Asian Idol 2007

Six countries from Asia battled it out last December 15 for the all important Asian Idol title. Mau Marcelo, the first ever Philippine Idol competed against Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam.

The voting procedure was same as the regular Idol show. What's interesting however is that people had to vote for two contestants instead of one. This was done to eliminate national biases. So as far as voting procedure is concerned, it's a fair game to everyone.

Hady Mirza, Singapore Idol (season 2), emerged as the victor of the Asian Idol.


  1. How would one even think that that anyone else would win. Just think what is the population of India and Indonesia. I bet my botom dollar that the winner would be India or Indonesia. My personal opinion is that Jaclyn Victor is many classes above the rest.

  2. Losing gracefully can be a painful lesson of life. But we can't always be the winner. That's the law of living


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