
Showing posts from April, 2020

10 Lessons learned from the Corona Quarantine

10 Lessons learned from the Corona Quarantine 1. Whenever your money is stored in a bank or any place else like a managed fund, you are never assured that you will have access to it when you need it. During the first few days of the quarantine, the financial markets closed and along with it the inability to redeem investments. Precorona quarantine, I would leave all of my emergency funds in a managed fund with very little volatility. Under normal circumstances, it is okay because you get your redemption credited the next day but moving forward it does not seem like a wise thing to do anymore. In an emergency situation wherein you need a lare amount of cash, the daily withdrawal limit will also make you think twice about parking cash in a bank account. I definitely will have to restrategize after all this is over and make sure that I will be better prepared in case a second wave of coronavirus or another pandemic will happen in my lifetime. 2. Whiskey is a very good antisept