
Showing posts from June, 2014

7 Tips on How to Collect Debt from Friends and Family

The title of this post is how to collect a debt from friends and family, but in reality the tips found in this post can apply to collecting debts from just about anyone, your cousins, co-workers, tenants, you name it. It often feels awkward to collect a debt from people whom we love; we often think that doing so will mean that we are putting money above our relationship with them. The aim of this post is to help people recover monetary loss derived from loaning money to friends and family in a very gentlemanly manner. How to Collect Debt from Friends and Family Tip #1- Express Your Intention to Collect the Debt The most important part of debt collection is deciding to collect the debt. Most of the times when a friend or a family does not pay their debt, it is due to noncollection (in the debtor's part). In other words, when your friend or family does not hear from you about the debt, they usually assume that you don't need the payment. While you may think that this is n

Lessons From The BDO Financial Wellness Seminar

The entire seminar was basically a differentiation between mutual funds, UITFs, and VULs. When it comes to costs of operation, mutual funds are at a disadvantage. Since mutual funds are corporations, they pay a lot of fees relating to their entity; this is probably why they have front or back end fees. Both mutual funds and UITFs, however, have management fees. These fees, however, are already incorporated into the NAVPS or the NAVPU, so investors don’t feel them anymore. Have you ever wondered how the NAVPS or the NAVPU are being computed? These two figures are computed using this formula: total money (assets) of the mutual fund/ UITF – total expenses (such as management fees) divided by number of shares/units. When it comes to disclosures, mutual funds are required to be more open whereas UITFs are not. You can even demand information such as the CEO’s age from the mutual fund you invest in. One thing that I learned from Ffren Cruz is that earnings from UITFs are strictly speaki