14 Call Center Interview Questions & Answers

The call center industry is one of the fastest growing in the country these days. As recently as ten years ago, there were only a few call center agents and the word call center was hardly ever used in the country. Today, almost every family has at least one member working in the call center industry. The reason for this boom is partly economics. In the Philippines, low paying jobs are very notorious and while call centers set up shop here because of the low labor costs, Filipinos decide to work for the call center industry because it pays higher than average wages. Consider this: if you are an average worker with an entry level position, you probably are getting paid seven to ten thousand a month; meanwhile, an average employee in the call center industry with an entry level position will get around fifteen thousand pesos a month, plus free dental and health benefits (HMO). Call centers also will pay your SSS (Social Security), PAGIBIG (home building fund), and PhilHealth (health ins...

Will Spammers go to Hell?

The other day I was advertising Pinoy Penster Community (now defunct) on several Filipino Forums. I soon got a pissed off webmaster on the Pinoy Penster Community online Forum suddenly threatening to bring down the site. If I'm not mistaken the guy was probably talking about a DDOS attack. Anyway I got pretty scared and for days I didn't spam any forum.

This got me into thinking, does God think spamming is a sin?

I mean a lot of people get mad at spammers. Does that make spammers sinners?

The way I look at it, spamming is almost like TV commercials. You don't ask for them, but they are there showing up in between your favorite TV shows. Isn't spam the same? We don't ask for it but it is there.

Besides why would you use the internet if you are sick with spam? The same goes for TV commercials. Why would you watch TV if you don't like commercials?

The answer ladies and gentlemen is simple, we do it because underneath that huge pile of (possibly) senseless spam messages, there is real quality content.

In the Philippines, most people are not even aware of spam even if it's staring right in front of them. Take for example, the huge telecommunication companies. Aren't the unsolicited text messages we receive from them everyday a form of spam? And are people complaining? No they are not.

This makes me think again.

Is spam only an American sponsored nuisance? Is it only Americans that are feeling the wrath of spammers? In the very productive nation of America, spamming is serious business. They even have laws about it.

So does this mean that spam is only a sin in the eyes of America?

Picture this: you are in the gates of heaven. God has a huge TV and in it is your life. You suddenly see your wrongdoings while on Earth. But is that a geeky looking person in front of a computer endlessly spamming innocent people or just a loser looking at porn?

Sin or not, spamming has certainly been one of the key things that has been shaping up the webscape. In the future, we would definitely see more action taken on Spammers and the concept itself. But whatever happens, spam will always make good breakfast! Cheers!


  1. hi,.i'm just new in blogosphere..hope that we became friend.. by the way, check my blog plzzz. www.magiwitch.blogspot.com ,.thnxs........

  2. Well, if you're going to advertise a certain site, just be careful in choosing which forums or mailing lists you're going to advertise in. Not all forums are open to such advertisements. Also, it would be better if you do not flood their inboxes with multiple emails containing the same thing. If you want to advertise, post an email now and then, wait for a few days before posting again. By doing it that way, you won't be pissing any webmaster.

    I don't quite agree that you shouldn't watch TV if you don't like commercials. The reason for watching TV is for the content it tries to send across. Those who're paying for commercial advertisements should be responsible for the content of their TV ads. Also, one cannot control the commercials that appear on tv and the frequency of their appearance. With spams, the webmaster can choose to delete certain posts if he thinks it's just spamming.

    If I were you, just don't flood anybody's inbox. Choose to concentrate on the quality of your advertisement and target certain audiences, rather than go for quantity and lose a lot of potential readers/members.

  3. Spam and TV commercials are 2 different things. You can't compare them that way.

    I can buy a TIVO and get rid of commercials altogethe or I can stray away from local mainstream TV and stick with cable channels that have little or no commercials at all.

    I agree with prudence. The quality of the content is the real issue. I'm a webmaster and admin of a forum myself and you have to understand that its difficult enough for us to moderate the forums, let alone deal with spam problems.


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