14 Call Center Interview Questions & Answers

The call center industry is one of the fastest growing in the country these days. As recently as ten years ago, there were only a few call center agents and the word call center was hardly ever used in the country. Today, almost every family has at least one member working in the call center industry. The reason for this boom is partly economics. In the Philippines, low paying jobs are very notorious and while call centers set up shop here because of the low labor costs, Filipinos decide to work for the call center industry because it pays higher than average wages. Consider this: if you are an average worker with an entry level position, you probably are getting paid seven to ten thousand a month; meanwhile, an average employee in the call center industry with an entry level position will get around fifteen thousand pesos a month, plus free dental and health benefits (HMO). Call centers also will pay your SSS (Social Security), PAGIBIG (home building fund), and PhilHealth (health ins...

Two Cows Full Cream Milk Powder

Ever since I discovered Milk Magic Full Cream Milk, I had been a fan of it. In fact, I had been using it for the past seven years to make milk chocolate drinks, cappuccino, and as a substitute for fresh milk and evaporated milk. Full cream milk is basically fresh milk that has been made into powder and according to this article, is better than toddler formulas (which is full of sweeteners).

I think Anchor and Birch Tree's full cream milk are better than Milk Magic's but they are more expensive. However, the past few months, I have noticed that the price of Milk Magic's full cream milk had been going up steadily. Currently, it is almost 150 pesos for 350 grams or 0.43 pesos per gram in most supermarkets. I tried searching for a lower price online and found an online shop selling it at a lower price. However, the online shop soon increased its prices and is now selling Milk Magic full cream milk at the same price as the supermarket.

After doing a lot of research, I finally found a new brand of full cream milk which is considerably much less expensive than other brands (hooray for capitalism). In fact, I would venture to say that it is currently the lowest priced full cream powdered milk in the market (there aren't that many, there are only less than five brands available). At around 140 pesos for 400 grams, it costs only 0.35 pesos per gram or almost 20% less!

Two CowsFull Cream Milk Powder is a product of the Netherlands (or maybe Portugal, it's difficult to tell). It is currently sold at SM Supermarkets. The one which I bought was 400 grams but there are bigger variants (*359 pesos for 900 grams and 694 pesos for 1800 grams).

I really like the fact that it comes in a can instead of a foil pack which reminds me of my childhood. Back then, milk was not yet being placed in foil packs.

I just hope that they won't increase their prices too soon. Perhaps in the future we shall see more competition in this market which will make full cream powdered milk in the Philippines more affordable for the masses.

*Prices may not be updated


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