A Kid Do*a*d Tru*p

Recently, I posted a review of Carlo Ocab's blog. And no, the review is not at all just in response to his 'review me' challenge but a really sincere one. Hehehe...

Anyway I received a thank you email from him just now. What surprised me about this email was his usage of the word 'po' which we all know is Filipino. I thought maybe he just knows this one Filipino custom and is trying to impress me. Hehehe...

And then I went to his blog and looked at his About page. Alas! The kid blogger is apparently a Filipino!

All this time I thought he was from the USA. I mean c'mon, a 13 year old blogger talkign about how to make money online? How can he be a Filipino with all the poverty, bad quality of education, and et cetera?

I remember the first time I discovered Carlo's blog and found out that he was 13. It didn't at all surprised me because I thought he was from the USA. You understand that in the USA, there are all sorts of young internet geniuses.

But now I know the kid is a Filipino! He's got to be interviewed on Philippine TV one of these days, seriously! I mean what are the chances of a 13 year old having this kind of knowledge in a third world country?

I am so wonderfully jealous and proud of this kid. I would bet that one day, this kid will make it big in the corporate world. One day he would be famous. One day he would be a D*n*ld Tr*mp!


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